2007 ''Between trees and non trees''

"Between Trees and Non Tree" /   Agi Mishol

Givon chose the Cypress tree because "tree, for me, means the Cypress". Givon used etching and screen printing to complete her works; as a base she used materials with different textures such as paper, hemp and colorful, woven, Indian textiles. It is possible to identify different sources of inspiration in her works: Folk art, absorbed in her parents' home and whose influence can be seen in the use of woven textiles in her works and in the ornamental nature of the embroidery. The use of different weaves and embroidery was also a feature of Givon's last exhibition. The image of the carpet transports us to the works of Asad Azi… in which the carpet is a reoccurring motif. The avenue of Cypress and the endless fields in the paintings of Yadid Rubin, find an echo in the works of Givon. Here an interesting combination is created between the imagery of Azi and Rubin which are united and assimilated in her work. A number of works, whose background comprises of concentric circles, reverberate in the memory, the Cypresses of Van Gogh. Here, as well, the synthesis of East and West is developed.

Throughout, the exhibition deals with "Israeliness", characterized by an affinity to place, to culture and to Jewish tradition, and yes… to multiculturalism as well, which is seen in the range of inspirational sources.


From the writings of the curator

Devorah Goldberger

October, 2007  

Reflections on Cypress
It doesn't interest me to draw "regular" cypress
I searched for cypress
With only earth and sky
Which rose up, perfect and alone
There were many disturbances
Electrical wires became endless furrows
Into which the textures of carpets were cast
Along with the cypress
after etching and scorching in metal
In which I opened a hole to sever its perfection
There are also three
Standing like a black wall
Which emerged from rocks illuminated
And the tiny cypress
Which grew and thickened and rose
Until it spread its shape

Shoshanna Givon
October 2007